Paidia Laboratory: Feedback at transmediale 2012

Paidia Laboratory: feedback @ transmediale 12 in/compatible

The cycle Paidia Laboratory: feedback examines computer games as closed feedback systems. In an ongoing series of artistic experiments the feedback behaviour of games is studied, by coupling their in- and output through modifications of hard- and software. The focus lies not on the usability of games, but rather on an archeology of interaction – determining the limits and boundaries of games in order to understand the media specific characteristics of computer games.

This analysis of interaction focuses on the process of inquiry and becomes manifest in an open and evolving structure of artefacts and schematics. The rhythm generated by mutual opening and closing of two PS2-sleds can be seen at the transmediale 2012 exhibition in/compatible. At the same time further works of feedback-experiments are presented at the Computerspielemuseum Berlin.

Paidia Institute is represented with Paidia Laboratory: feedback by Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Karin Lingnau and Lasse Scherffig.


29.01. – 05.02.2012, 29.01. 17:00 Vernissage
Computerspielemuseum, Karl-Marx-Allee 93a, 10243 Berlin

31.01. – 05.02.2012
Transmediale exhibition: Dark Drives. Uneasy Energies in technological Times
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin

Update, documentation:
Opening Computerspielemuseum:
Transmediale 2012, Video Monopol: Rundgang: