Warum2.0 exhibition at V2_ Rotterdam


From the 21 January – 01 February 2009 V2_ in Rotterdam will turn into a media war-zone with the installation arena ‘WARUM2.0’.

WARUM2.0 is a public experiment where the visitors can explore documentary images and media shaped by YouTube, Second Life and surveillance cameras. Passively watching is no longer sufficient – instead we need to select, evaluate and choose. The installation features unique videos from Darfur, Afghanistan, Haiti, Gaza, Iraq and Kosovo by acclaimed cameraman Daniel Demoustier, as well as interviews with cultural theorist Paul Virilio. The installation can be seen as an ongoing investigation of media and the influence of mediated images that more and more determine our relation with the world around us.

Warum 2.0 is a production by CARGO and Stefaan Decostere, with Christian Decker, Edwin Uytenbroek, Jonas Hansen, Chris Devriese, Johan Blaeke, and with students architecture TU Delft/Media Studies.

WARUM2.0 takes place during International Film Festival Rotterdam.
More information about WARUM2.0 on http://cargoweb.wordpress.com

MyBot in the Warum2.0 space

My installation MyBot will be again part of the installation arena. MyBot is a robotic hand, that plays the computer game Second Life. By pressing keys of a computer keyboard, the hand moves a virtual Avatar on the screen.

The Avatar performance can also be visited in Second Life: CARGO Media Space in Second Life (SLurl)