Talk: Expanding Media @werkleitz: Umbruch Film, 2022

On Wednesday 7.12.22 I was invited to give a keynote on the panel Intermediality/Hybrid Form as part of the symposium Umbruch Film by werkleitz in Halle. In my talk I gave a presentation on changing media reception in immersive media and what the challenges and strategies are in developing immersive narrative worlds.

This panel dealt with questions of how complex narratives can be conceived and produced not only as FIlm, but also in other media forms (video installation, VR & AR, apps and internet applications, podcasts, etc). Participating were: Clemens von Wedemeyer, Marleine van der Werf, Paul Kirsten, Katharina Weser, Maren Schuster, Lars Rummel, Thomas Taube, Ralph Wendt, Ana Maria Vallejo and Peter Zorn as host.

The full documentation of the event can be watch online here (German only):

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You can also listen to it as podcast here:

In cooperation with AG DOK. Arranged by Marold Langer-Philippsen.
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