4by3, 2004

4by3 is a co-production between media artist/researcher Kaisu Koski and me together with z25.org. The project was initiated by Kaisu as part of her PHD. research at the University of Lapland, Finland. z25.org was approached by Kaisu to support her conceptual and to realize the projects in technical terms. The starting point for the 4by3 was Samuel Beckett´s play Quad. 4by3 opens the idea of presenting variations of the same choreography in 3 different media environments. The first part of the trilogy is the creation of the narrative space and is technically a motion tracking installation, where the participant interact with cell like figures projected on the floor. The second part of the installation is the exploration of the previous created narrative space through dance and a live video feed. The last part is the destruction of the narrative space and is a dark room where infra-red technology is used to trigger audio samples that function as the memory of the dancer from the second part.

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Kaisu Koski Art Director, conceptual design
Jonas Hansen Interaction Designer and programmer, conceptual design
Machiel Veltkamp Project Leader, conceptual design
Laurens Simonis Lead Programmer, conceptual design
Jiri Heitlager Interaction Designer and programmer, conceptual design, webdesign
Kati Keskitalo Choreographer
Alkisti Theophilou Dancer
Lea Jurida Sound Designer
Mirjam Schouten Documentation

