Dat-A Installation at Paradiso…

Thursday October the 26th was the Dat-A installation by stichting z25.org presented at Paradiso in Amsterdam during the ParaPlay evening. The evening was about profiling, tagging and security. The installation was first shown last year in Utrecht at Huis a/d Werf. This time the self made technology was improved and worked for almost 200 people, that where tracked.

Here are some nice pictures of the evening, more at cpu-theatre:

Transmitters, that handed out at the entrance.

The new and updated receivers, that were placed at different locations in the building.

The Dat-A room with an overview of the locations where people are and the flow of data.

If a tracked visitor entered the Dat-A, his current profile with conclusions about his identity was printed out.

The central projection with conclusions about all the people that are tracked…