Eight+, 2009

Eight+ a synaesthetic user-generatedcontent-post-new-rave-multiplayer-shooter in 2D.

Eight+ is an anarchic mix of rhythm, action, sounds and visuals provoking the conventions of standardized content and feedback loops in computer games. In this multiplayer game, players shoot at objects drawn live by other players. The longer they interact, the more distortion emerges. The borders between parties blur as ever more content is created and destroyed. The installation explores the social behaviors of groups as well as the limits of game design.

Eight+ is the result of the game lab during the play09 festival for creative gaming in Potsdam. It was first time exhibited at AMAZE.Interact at the Club Transmediale 2010.

Play Lab09: Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Karin Lingnau, Marek Plichta, Lasse Scherffig, Jakob Penca

First time presented in December 2009.

Eight_GamesCom01  Eight_GamesCom03 Eight_GamesCom02

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