Jonas Hansen (*Hielscher)
Media artist and Professor for Design and Mediathechnology at Burg Giebichenstein | University of Art and Design Halle in the study course Multimedia|VR Design.
He is cofounder of the dutch media art collective Stichting z25.org and the Cologne based Paidia Institute.
In his artistic work Jonas Hansen develops interactive installations and experimental games, that often explore the boundaries between the real and the virtual world. He has taken part in a numerous international exhibitions and is an active participant in various conferences and workshops.
mail: jonas [AT] pixelsix . net
mastodon: @jonashansen@troet.burg-halle.de
insta.: @pixelsixnet
itch: pixelsix.itch.io
bitbucket: bitbucket.org/onlyjonas
image by Patrick Müßiggang