Reactionmachine, 2005

The installation Reaction Machine plays with the intimate field of tension between the people. Balance of power, personal input and connecting old and new technology are all part of this experience. Reaction Machine is an open system, in which the visitor‘s reaction determines the art work. In the Reaction Machine different kinds of technologies are combined in one object, a television screen is combined with a old rusty gear wheel and a handle, all together connected to a computer with a web cam, microphone and speakers. The object looks unfamiliar, but the interface is clear: a chair in front of it to sit, a television screen to watch and a handle to turn. When a curios visitor sits down and starts to explore the use of the machine, he will

discoverthat the machine is not about the wired use of its technologies. It‘s about people that are using it and all used technologies and materials are only there to enable this interaction. So when a visitor sits down, he will see himself and somebody else looking at each other on the television screen. His head is filmed live by a web cam and combined with a recording of somebody else. As soon as he starts to turn the handle the video recording of the other person starts to be plaid. After watching the video the visitor is asked to record himself. If he now keeps turning the wheel, he will be recorded. In the end of his recording his movie will bemirrored and the next visitor can watch and react on his recording. In this way people can play with the machine, discover its function, react on each other, sometimes in a direct and expressive way, sometimes in a intimate and exploratory way and sometimes in a way telling each other stories.

Jonas Hansen concept, design, hardware development, programming
Klaas Jan Mollema concept, design, hardware development

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA reactionmachine_05 reactionmachine_06 reactionmachine_07 Camera Camera

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