CollecTic, 2006

CollecTic is developed as a part of my graduation project for the Masters program Media Technology at Leiden University in 2006.

The game is made for the Sony Playstation Portable and uses existing wireless local area network access points in a city as a main game element. In the game, the player has to move through the city to search and collect new access points. In my study I am concentrating on developing game concepts, that use real life properties as game elements, but can be easily played everywhere at any moment. By using the physical world as a game board I hope to stimulate players to rediscover the real world around them in a new and playful way. I am also interested in the social effects, that result from the expanding the magic circle of play by mixing the real world with the game world.

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CollecTic – Discovering The World Around Us (PDF)


Collectic v.0.13
