PAUSE – Computer games and cultural contingencies, 2013


exhibition catalogue, 2013

Concept with Thomas Hawranke, Karin Lingnau, Lasse Scherffig

As part of PLAY! CGN and for the Acad­emy of Media Arts Cologne, the exhibition PAUSE at the Tem­po­rary Gallery (Cologne) presented works on the topic of computer games through the focus on waiting and interruption.

The catalogue provides an overview of the selected works, including: Pip­pin Barr (MT), Michael Bell-Smith (US), Karen Eliot (DE), Daniel Hel­big (DE), Hörner/Antlfinger (DE), Mil­tos Mane­tas (UK), Kent Sheely (US), Jeroen D Stout (NL), Yuk-Yiu IP (HKN) and presents our game THIS FEELS GREAT.

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